clicking on this article indicate that it has generated interest in you, or you are reading because you are my friend...or may be it is because, Pornography is everywhere and you are trying to prevent it on your computer. May be you have a problem with Pornography. May be you know someone with a problem in porn. Whatever the reason, you cannot deny the word pornography as a very popular topic.
Regardless of any technical definition of internet porn, there is something clearly powerful about internet porn. Something simply anyone can do is just go in Google and type the word "sexy girl" in the search bar and see how many results comes up. This is not just like picking up a magazine at a liquor store or going to an adult store. You cannot see "millions" of these stores just around the corner like they are on the the internet.
So may be, we should just not type in "sexy girl"? Sounds pretty simple right? Don't type in any nasty words and you should be fine isn't?? ok type a simple word "hot" and see. Even then you will see something which you never wanted to appear on your computer screen. Sexual ads displayed all over the internet, television, magazine. Big hording around the street corner displays tempting pictures. The advertisers know just how big sexual advertising is. So as you know, the sex industry can be just to overwhelming for some to handle. Sex sells and it is just plain obvious.
This article is for those who are net addicted for pornography. They get tempted to such a extent that they risk there professional life, they risk there families and friend. They know that whatever they are doing is bad and still indulge. After passing of the euphoria they fills with guilt fear and confusion. They daily come out with a pledge and with a promise not to see porn but then again urge comes and take over all promises which they make to themselves. this cycle goes on repeating, and they see no end to it. some of them accept this as there reality and live with it.. others go on fighting with themselves. Till one day they get caught red handed humiliated by public, by friend, by colleagues and by law of the state. Many of them get trapped in black mailing...which altogether a different problem.
Before going further on this pose these question this to your self and try to get true answer.
Do you think Porn is dangerous to our society?
Is it a addiction ?
Like many compulsive behaviors, porn addiction is secret addiction. Friends, family and colleagues may be very disappointed if they knew about it, one feel empty and worthless. It has nothing to do with real sex!
Feelings of loneliness, boredom, insecurity or just having the opportunity can all result in porn addiction. Porn is a fraud because it promises something it never deliver. One use it to escape reality but it actually worsens the very reality. Pornography addiction can make one feel bad about self, unbalance, waste time and money.
Pornography addiction blunts the senses and stops you appreciating life. the more one view the more he wants to view even more, Pornography addiction has a kind of negative hypnotic effect, grabbing then locking your attention until you 'wake up' from the porn trance feeling exhausted and miserable. One may go for days, weeks or months without using porn and then almost without you knowing it you're back into it again. Pornography addiction can make you feel bad about yourself, unbalance your attitude to sex, damage relationships and waste your time and money.
Do you think porn can be danger to our children? The real threat comes from those who would take advantage of kids who naively reveal personal information about themselves. Rebellious teens are especially at risk, because they may not take parental warnings seriously. The more children who risks themselves to view porn, the more our society takes a risk as a whole to our morals and more importantly our families.
So we know that porn can be a danger to our children and families as well as ourselves of course. now lets see .. is Porn really addictive? How much so? Is it more addictive then drugs??
online porn addiction can be as bad as crack or heroin addiction. Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since drug users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever. Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance. The brain really does release certain chemicals in sexual arousal. The images can stay in our brain over a substantial period of time.
The costs of sexual addiction can range from emotional and physical health problems to legal, professional, and family disorders. Many sex addicts suffer from broken relationships. They experience severe marital and other relationship problems. Even the partners of sex addicts may develop their own addictions and compulsions, psychosomatic problems, or depression and other emotional difficulties.
Are you caught in a downward spiral of viewing more and more perverse sexual porn? Do you avoid sexual intimacy with your partner in favor of masturbatory porn stimulation? Have you started to "act out" by calling phone sex services or visiting massage parlors? Are you ashamed of your behavior but can't seem to stop? Are you too embarrassed to seek help in a public venue?
That's the reason I am writing about addictions to pornography. This is a huge problem all over world and really needs to be paid attention to like never before. Getting the word out about these addictions and problems in our society is what I intend to do. I am sincerely hopeful this message spreads just as fast as the advertising sex ads, the release of these chemicals sex arousals in our brains and the growing popularity in the subject.
The very first effort is to read this article carefully, and keep eye on the next article releasing shortly. It is on how to over come addiction. Reason for keeping the solution out of this article is to keep the article short, generate curiosity. and to filter out serious intenders with whom to proceed further on remedies n solution.
Remember solution is not one line solution or one night solution. but certainly tips will work on you. Follow the advice without thinking too much on its workability, a little faith from you and then rest will be a history which you will be proud owner. and become a best examples to the others to follow....RIGHT dear!!!
oh! no!! Ii am not going to charge you any fees for dont be scared. I want only one commitment form you that if you benefit form advice then PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE ACCROSS THE INTERNET USER
next post....
In previous post porn addiction was discussed in detail now lets talk about remedies. As we understand that subconscious mind is the area form where the addiction germinate and soon becomes very big tree. so we need some method for communicating and modifying subconscious impulses and reaction so that we can stop nourishment to this tree. this will result into stopping its further growth and day by day it will get weaker and weaker and one day it will be easy to root out.
Most of the compulsive feeling comes when you are alone. So consciously take first step for not to remain alone to the extent possible.
Guilt and fear makes the addictive behavior stronger because Guilt and fear makes you believe that you are weaker in over coming this problem, it makes the problem look much bigger and complex then it is and you feel weaker and weaker that makes your belief stronger that you can never come out of this addiction. First step towards overcoming this addiction is to stop guilt as you have not done any serious life threatening crime, yes it can be fearful because it is against law of state but it is not against natural law. Make your self understand that this type of behavior is a very normal outcome of the possibilities available with you.
You now understand that you want to modify this behavior because it is killing your time, because your friends and family think it is bad, because it is violating law of state, Because this makes you less productive, because this makes you fearful. Because this makes real sex less pleasurable. Like that it can be 100's of valid reasons because of which you want to over come this addiction. Give a serious thinking and list out all those reasons which you feel are real logical reason as per your belief system. This is important step in overcoming addiction so stop reading further and make this list right now.
Sex addiction is linked with pleasure. Whenever you see something sexy or you think something sexy immediately our brain releases chemical which generate pleasure. Can we train our subconscious not to release pleasure chemical and instead of that it release nothing or releases chemical which generate pain. Yes we can do that by modifying subconscious reactions.
It is always a thought which comes to your mind, and more you think on it more it get stronger and then with a drift of sensual pleasure makes you do what your subconscious desire you to do. As if you are slave to your subconscious mind. These thoughts can be easily terminated when it first comes to your mind by giving no attention to these thoughts. If I mean no attention ...I really mean that not to give any attention...whatever kind it may be... just allow it to pass. Or divert your attention to something else. As soon as you divert or stop giving attention to the thought it gets weak and after few seconds it fades out completely.
It is a very normal process you carry out daily to your selves. This time you do this with sex thoughts. And let us see if it works on you or you really feel too weak on these thoughts.
If you feel too weak don't fight on the thought or pass any judgment just accept this as your reality and do what ever your subconscious compel you to do but repeat some of the thoughts in your mind from the list you just prepared against this addiction. Just repeat these thoughts as mantra in your mind while your body performs the act as per the desire of subconscious. After few session only your conscious will become strong enough to give you enough strength to stop unwanted act.
Make it a habit to repeat these thought from the list 4 to 5 times a day, specially before and after sleep you repeat these thought as mantra because at these moments conscious mind is weak and subconscious easily accept these thoughts.
All the time any act we decide to do before an act is performed we judge the act for pain and pleasure when our judgment is in favor of pleasure we carry out act and if it is against the pleasure we avoid. Such judgment take place all the time without you knows consciously. With time thoughts which you used as mantra will settle down in subconscious and sooner or later it will become part of the judgment. I asked you to stop feeling guilty because in guilt we subconsciously choose pain so that we can give to our selves punishment we deserve.
Desires of such addition are generated from subconscious mind. Subconscious reaction can be modified by seeding new pattern of behavior. but conscious mind is a main barrier for the information to be passed to subconscious. to over rule and bypass conscious mind, self hypnosis is best tool. It helps in passing and setting the new modified behavior information directly to subconscious mind. Below i am giving you sample self hypnosis script. Read script into a recording device like your ipod or mobile. and then listening frequently. It is best way to communicate with your sub conscious mind.
This script do not expect deep hypnosis. We all experience mild hypnosis during day to day work like reading, driving and listening to the music. a very mild hypnosis also will do the magic. specially your own voice make things much easier. dont worry if you make little mistake while recording
it works wonder if you can listen to your recording before sleep and after sleep...yes you can use auto stop function to stop player so that you don't need to wake up to stop recording. headphone are better as it keep your privacy intact. ... while recording script read very, very slowly in your recording device. Pretend that you are tired as you read this exercise and you will react in a relaxed, sleepy manner. Whenever you see these ... (periods in row) that is your signal to pause as you read, to let your body relax or allow thought to settle down / perform action before continuing on. recording is divided in 2 phases...phase 1 produce mild hypnosis where phase 2 is the message to modify subconscious mind reaction.
Script: record this script as it is ....
Make yourself comfortable... gently allow your eyelids to close... now take a full deep breath and exhale completely all the way to the bottom of your lungs, continue with rhythmic breath ...... deep breath bringing more relaxation and all stress tension and worries are going out as air goes out of lungs, rhythmic breath Letting yourself to relax.... as u fills your lungs with clean, refreshing air, u feel good and u feel more relaxed.. At this moment in time... Nothing matters... you switch off your thoughts... And allow this time for yourself... So that you can unwind completely... And you begin to feel more and more relaxed... Letting go of any worries or problems... That may have been on your mind lately... And there is no need to fight any unwanted negative thoughts... As they will soon drift out of your mind as easily as they came... continue deep breath and focus your attention on your toes ... allow your toes to relax completely.... each toes is loose and heavy.... now let the relaxation flows to the feet..., into your ankle..., your calves..., your knees....feel the heaviness on your knees. Your legs are getting heavier an immovable... feel the sensation of warmth, feel it flowing into the thighs..., into your hips..., into your waist..., flowing up to your belly.... your belly is relaxed....relaxation feeling moves further to your chest.... your breath is easier and is now more regular and more relaxed.... let the more relaxed feeling moves to your shoulder.... down to the arms....fore arms and into the hands.... and to the fingers.... the deep relaxation flowing in the moves up to the face... the chin... the cheeks...are fully relaxed....the micro muscles around eyes are relaxed.... the cool soothing relaxation run all around your face.. whole body in deep relaxation..eye lids heavy n smooth.... the cool relaxation feeling going to your forehead. ...over the top of your head.... and down back of your neck...
... A feeling of calmness and contentment... As you feel every muscle in your chest and abdomen... Become limp and relaxed... And all the muscles in your back are relaxing... all the way down your spine... The muscles loosen and relax... And as you drift down deeper and deeper relaxed... You let this wave of relaxation spread all over ... As you begin your journey into your own inner world... To that unique and special part of you... That only you can go to... You continue to let go... Of any negative thoughts or feelings...
And any sounds around you... Or in the distance... Will fade into the background... The only sound that will matter to you... Will be the sound of my voice... Which will continue to take you deeper and deeper... .. And it doesn't matter where you drift... Where you go... My voice will travel with you at all times... So that you will continue... To respond to me on an unconscious level... Deeper and deeper relaxed... You are in deep relaxation. Whatever you are going to listen will go deep into your subconscious mind
you started pornography to experience a new way now you have enough experience. you want to move ahead in life and want to experience and learn new things. you understand that Pornography makes you feel bad about yourself, it makes you unbalance, and it is a waste of your time and money. Like many compulsive behaviors, porn addiction is secret addiction. Friends, family and colleagues are very disappointed to know about it, it fills you with feelings of loneliness, boredom, insecurity.
Porn is a fraud because. it escape you from facing reality and it actually worsens the very reality. Pornography addiction blunts your senses and stops you appreciating life. Porn trance exhausts you. Pornography addiction makes you feel bad about yourself, and unbalance your attitude to sex, damage relationships and waste your time and understand that solving day to day problems are more satisfying then avoiding them. you understand that pornography is taking away from your goal.... it is problem to you and not a solution to the day to day problem.
you have the inner strength to say no to the porn. you get rid of all pornography material immediately as it comes to your notice without fail. like movies , pictures , all electronic images, videos, stories, articles, novels you own ... you destroy or delete them permanently. stay off of the computer if it is a temptation. DO NOT get on the computer if it is a temptation.
Whenever you see porn it will generate headache in you. It will generate bad stinking smell all around you . it generate rough sticky wrinkled touch sensation. It is stinking as shit it smells too bad you can't hold it any more, it is like a bucket full of shit and you are looking at it. A very bad experience. your mind reject and immediately move out of it.. you move past without giving any importance to it as easily as you avoid stinking garbage's.....
you think well... you think fast... you think clear... you think remain cool and calm but whenever you see any porn picture. you are uneasy and experience tremendous dislike and you immediately get rid of it. Whenever you see porn the picture of stinking shit fills your vision. your nostrils fill with the unbearable stinking smell. you can not bear this smell you immediately move eyes out of porn.
you understand that Porn pictures are just naked body nothing sexy about it. Pictures of naked body don't excite you. You remain in total control of your feeling your emotions your attitude...and your needs... you control them.... They have nothing extra ordinary. As soon as you move away from porn you are in total control of your self...your headache vanishes and you feel refresh...relax and smiling ....
You are exceptional human being... you have strength, power, conviction and confidence to say no to the porn. Pornographic pictures no more attracts you. You have lot of energy n you are alive.... you enjoy life. people likes you and you feel good .... you turn problem into advantage. You are in control of yourself in every way at all times in all situation. You are organized and in control of your thought... your time...your action and your future. Porn no way disturbs or distracts you any
You have enough experienced about porn now you want to go ahead for new experiences. Real World around you is more exciting. you enjoy interacting people around you.......
(phase 1 cont...)
next time you listen to this recording it will go more deep in your subconscious. Now you are filling with joy and happiness you are feeling refresh energetic. ....Whatever thought you were listening have gone deep and settled into your subconscious mind... When I count to five... you will be wide awake...feeling're beginning to come back...Two... feel the energy start flowing through your body...Three...moving your fingers and toes... more and more awake...feel the energy running through your body more now...Four... breathe in wakeful energy... that's right... breathe in wakeful energy... clearing your head... balancing your energies... feeling wonderful in every way...Five... open your eyes... fully coming back... fully back... wide awake... that's right...wide awake.
script ends...
you can customized script but remember the phase.... phase-1 is to relax [ where u relax your mind and body and allow your conscious mind to rest so that it don't generate unnecessary arguments. and hence whatever you listen settles deep in u.
you may fall sleep while listening to this recording...... never mind its a good indication. listen to recording at least twice a day..specially before the night sleep. you may notice that in spite of listening to the recording and getting into self hypnosis successfully you may feel urge to view porn. if that's so..then simply go ahead don't stop yourself forcefully..or argue with your self. but surely one thing you can do while viewing porn is repeating central idea of the recording mentally. and i am sure you won't feel that good viewing and doing porn and the day won't be far way when you suddenly react subconsciously that if its so bad then what the hell i am doing with this shit. and that the winning point. and i bet form this point onward you will be a proud owner of modified behavior.
you can repeat mentally phase-2 ideas any time during work hour or while driving ....or simply listen to that recording. phase 1 helps you in giving better result. so due to any reason you are not able to use phase can straight way use phase 2. like during driving pahse 1 is not allowed. Because driving itself generate mild necessary hypnosis so you can straight way use phase 2 more over you dont have to listen to those word you keep on doing your normal work allow these recording to play and let your ear pass this sound directly to your subconscious mind...right
Please give your valuable advice on this issue. we all know that we can not stop sex and pornography on net. But certainly we can come out with the best remedies. please post if you have any in your mind. Any adivce which helps the addicted to come out, without damaging the delicate beliefs and with minimum efforts.
please write to me on the issue how to come out of prono addiction...and what to do for not getting trapped into it.